An Exploration of the Human Mind

The human mind is the seat of power, and inherent in it are two opposing forces. The negative and positive forces, respectively. In neutral states, the mind has equal positive and negative power, indicating its potential and ability to serve any purpose, whether positive or negative, if directed appropriately. At this stage, the mind can readily absorb information from external sources if it lacks proper guidance. This is why the Bible admonished us to guard our hearts with all diligence, for out of them come the issues of life.

God created us humans with free will, and we can choose to be positive or negative. Most people are predominantly negative, and their minds are full of negative thoughts and influences, thereby attracting more negatives. For such individuals, their experiences are full of negative events and circumstances. If your heart is filled with fear, hatred, and envy—fearful, unforgiving, worrying, etc.—it is indicative of a negative state. Sometimes we think we have forgiven those who have hurt us or sinned against us, but what about ourselves? Do you forgive yourself?

How would you feel if you and another man attended an interview, for which you were largely prepared, only to have it denied? However, they granted the other candidate access. Obviously, you will feel very bad, but you should not lament too much; otherwise, you are sowing the seeds of negative occurrences. A positive thinker’s attitude is to ponder for a while and give thanks, because there is a reason for everything. This is because it is a fact that all things work together for good for those who trust God. The best attitude is to feel good, regardless of what happens. Though difficult, you can develop this habit of praise and thanksgiving. You need ‘the power of positive thinking’. This is the ability for you to think positively. Your positive thinking will easily attract positive events, situations, and circumstances. Meanwhile, situations and circumstances will respond easily to your demands.